Your views are important to us. If we are doing something well then please tell us about it. If we aren't, we want to put things right. We will look into your issue quickly and give you a prompt response. We will put things right for you if we can, and use what you tell us to improve our services for everyone.
If you are a YPO customer and would like to make a complaint, or offer comments or compliments, you can do so by contacting YPO Customer Services on 01924 834 834 or [email protected].
If you are a member of the public or an organisation and would like to make a complaint, offer comments or compliments about the organisation, please make contact using one of the following methods. It would help if you could provide the following information:
Your name and organisation if applicable
Your contact details (telephone number, address, email address)
- Details of incident or event (including date/ time if known)
- Any other details which may be related to the issue
Email [email protected]
Post: Corporate Department, YPO, 41 Industrial Park, Wakefield WF2 0XE
Telephone: 01924 834 834
Your feedback will be acknowledged in writing within five working days and we will give you contact details for the person who is dealing with it. We will inform you of any action we will take within 15 working days and, if this is not possible, we will explain the reasons.
We do not need to know who you are to receive your feedback and take appropriate action. You do not need to leave your personal details but, if you choose to remain anonymous, we will not be able to contact you to let you know the outcome. All personal data received is treated with the utmost confidence and in line with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 and Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We are always looking for customers willing to participate in focus groups; if you would like to contribute please email [email protected].