At YPO we believe it is important to be open and transparent in terms of how we spend your money.
The publication of our spend over £500 demonstrates this commitment. For each quarter of the financial year, we will publish details of payments to our suppliers for individual amounts greater than £500.
The list will include:
- transactions for values greater than £500 to external suppliers
- spend incurred in providing services.
It will exclude:
- payments made to staff
- sensitive personal information, such as individual foster carer payments
- any payments which may reveal details about an individual
- internal charges between different parts of the organisation.
We aim to be as transparent as possible, but in some cases we must respect information that could be seen as commercially sensitive. Where necessary, and to protect confidentiality, supplier identity may also be withheld.
We welcome your comments in respect to how we can improve on the presentation and content of this information. If you would like to obtain more information about the type of business conducted with suppliers detailed in the report, or for general enquiries about its content, please email
[email protected]. We will endeavour to provide a response within seven working days.
We regularly review the way we classify expenditure to ensure information is as meaningful as possible. To access copies of the reports, please click the following links: