The National Fire Chiefs Council board in partnership with YPO was keen to ensure that an approved procurement framework for apprenticeship training providers was established to include all the required fire and rescue apprenticeship standards and enables fire rescue service’s to utilise apprentice levy funds for all apprenticeship types. The aim provides UK wide, regional and local opportunities, ease of appointment with standard templates and guidance for FRS’s to use and to support collaboration across fire rescue service’s where appropriate.
STEP 1: Watch the webinar
Introduction into fire specific apprenticeships working in partnership with NFCC and the sector moving forward, to ensure that the framework as much as possible meets the needs of both the providers and the Fire and Rescue Services.
STEP 2: Download the user guide
The user guide, aka your apprenticeships ‘bible’, tells you everything you need to know - we’ve also included a glossary at the back. Keep the user guide handy throughout the process!

STEP 3: Browse standards
Gone through the user guide above? Now you’re ready to browse apprenticeship standards and training.
STEP 4: Download documents
Nearly there! Found the apprenticeship standards and/or relevant training for your Fire and Rescue? Now you need to download and complete the relevant forms. Go to our 'Download Documents' section where you'll find them all, simply click on each to download or click below to download all.

Become a provider
This webinar will support providers on how to bid successfully on the YPO Apprenticeship and Associated Training framework. We acknowledge that the tender process can be a little onerous sometimes and we would like to help with that.
Contact the team
Call us on 07814 295266
Email [email protected]