Email messages sent by YPO have a legal disclaimer appended. The disclaimer carries a link to this web page.
Any views or opinions expressed belong solely to the author and do not necessarily represent YPO officially. The email message and any files attached to it are confidential.
If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message content to the intended recipient please notify YPO's IT Help Desk on 01924 834 823 or email [email protected].
We monitor inbound and outbound emails for viruses and hoaxes, profanity, offensive language, racist, sexual comments, spam email. We reserve the right to intercept, store, archive, delete, view and examine all emails for compliance, security and audit purposes and if necessary take proceedings against the parties involved.
Virus scans are conducted on all emails and attachments both in and out but we do not guarantee any message to be virus free. The onus is on the recipient to check for virus.
YPO will accept no liability for damage caused by receiving emails, or attachments, from our email systems and no guarantees are offered on the security, content or accuracy of any emails and files received.