Raising awareness
Here at YPO we want to raise awareness of people living with mental health problems and how as a society, we can offer support and a better understanding of how it affects anyone and everyone. I think it’s safe to say that most of us will have times when life just gets on top of us and we find it hard to know how to cope.
A lot of the time it may be issues in our personal lives like our physical health, our relationships, or other home life situations. Other times, it can be work related pressures like unrealistic deadlines, important meetings, employer and employee relationships and key projects that all fall on your shoulders.
Mental health difficulties in the workplace
For many people work is a major part of our lives, where we spend the majority of our time, and somewhere you can end up forming some amazing friendships. But it is also a place where mental health difficulties can arise and where our mental health affects us most. Therefore, it’s important that whilst at your workplace, you are offered help and support around the stability of your mental health and general wellbeing.
It’s vital that organisations address mental health in the workplace. For employee's with existing problems and those most at risk of developing them, it is important for everyone to be best equipped at supporting others around them. Ensuring that every employee is aware of mental health and can seek help when necessary.
The procurement of mental health and wellbeing
Employers have a duty of care to provide an occupational health and employee assistant programme to their employees. Every year, UK public sector organisations spend around £230 billion on occupational health support, and training and here at YPO, a culture has been developed from our core values in caring for the wellbeing of all employees and providing mental health services. There are suppliers in this marketplace that have the expertise and experience to assist employers in providing the right tools to support their employees.
Our Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Programme framework offers public sector organisations with a cost effective and efficient route to market. The vision is to help customers to meet legal, compliant and moral obligations as well as ensure a valued, healthy and efficient workforce.
You can find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week here.
Explore our Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Programme framework here, or get in touch with the team!