Bonfire night commemorates the failed gunpowder plot of 1605. Guy Fawkes and a group of other men attempted to blow up the houses of parliament and kill King James I. Fortunately, they did not succeed and to celebrate the people were allowed to light bonfires.
From fireworks to fire! Bring the excitement of Bonfire Night into your setting and help children gain an understanding of what this event is all about and what they can expect to see. Here's some activities you can take back to your setting for 5 November.
Sensory Fireworks Tub

A simple but rewarding activity! Sensory tubs are so versatile and can be created to fit almost any theme. Get a tray or tub and fill with sensory-rich materials that differ in size, colour, and texture. To match our theme and make it even more inviting, we have added all things sparkly. But you can add whatever you like – the possibilities are endless!
What you’ll need:
Can you put out the fire?

Place a tray on the floor with a selection of red, orange, and yellow washable paints and encourage the children to use either tools or their hands to help create a fire masterpiece.
Prop the painted tray up against a wall or something sturdy and provide spray bottles, watering cans, maybe even a hose if one is available? Let each child take it in turns to put out the fire - this activity is great to help teach children about fire safety.
What you’ll need:
Community Bonfire Play Tray

Spark the imaginations of your little learners with a small world community bonfire setup that they can enjoy for hours on end – you could even include natural materials like sticks and leaves that the children can forage for themselves.
What you’ll need:
Firework Mark Making

For this activity, we have used craft rolls but you could use a fork for the same ‘firework’ effect. Start by cutting slits around the bottom of the toilet roll to create a fringe of sorts, then pull the slits back so that they stick out. Provide different coloured paints on paper plates and watch the children stamp, twirl and splat as they create a wonderful fireworks print to take home or decorate your setting for the occasion.
What you’ll need:
These activities have been taken from Little Learners, a FREE magazine full of early years resources and activities. Click here to read our latest issue!