Here are 10 simple, highly effective tips to help you, your staff and pupils save energy around your schools and offices.
- Switch off lights when leaving a room. Use posters to remind colleagues and pupils. Consider LED options which use less power, as well as switching devices to automatically switch or dim lights off that are not in use.
- Remember to turn off all computers, including monitors and printers when not in use. Ask for a volunteer to be an Energy Champion who will perform a daily check to ensure devices are switched off and who will encourage participation.
- Utilise energy management tools to highlight areas of usage to focus on and to showcase areas of success. Most suppliers will offer a free/low-cost online energy management tool as part of your contract. nPower's Intelligent Analytics and Corona's MyCorona portals are great examples of energy management tools.
- Only heat buildings and rooms that are being used. Turn down or switch off radiators during periods of shutdown, such as during school holidays or over the Christmas period.
- Keep areas near radiators and vents free from furniture to promote better circulation of heat around offices and classrooms
- Adjust your timers – Check the settings to ensure that the heating only comes on near the start of the day. If colleagues and pupils are not arriving on site until 7.30am, does your central heating need to turn on at 5am?
- Check electrical items are off at the plug and not just on standby. Phone chargers, TVs, microwaves etc. can all continue to consume electricity when not actually being used.
- Did you know a really expensive time for a business to use electricity is between the period of 4pm and 7pm, as there is a high demand to use electricity networks? Try moving meetings or cleaning services to the start of the day to avoid this peak charge period. Schools could factor in electricity costs when providing after school clubs.
- Turn down the temperature of water on your boiler to save energy. Will colleagues and pupils notice a decrease of one degree celsius?
- Make full use of daylight – ensure windows and skylights are cleaned and blinds opened at the start of each day. Utilise daylight harvesting technologies when upgrading lighting systems.
Contact the YPO Energy Team on [email protected] to discuss how you can do more to save energy.