YPO has established a framework for the provision of travel management solutions.
YPO has extensive experience in the travel category, having either managed corporate travel programmes or worked in collaboration on previous travel frameworks. Our team has an in-depth understanding of the wider public sector needs. YPO has undertaken extensive customer and supplier engagement to provide a framework solution for a fully managed travel service.
One of the other major public sector buying organisations, ESPO, is working alongside us to develop and grow this framework.
Under the framework, Contracting Authorities can access a travel management platform from one of the appointed providers, enabling them to book:
- Trains
- Flights
- Accommodation
- Events
The framework has been designed to provide Contracting Authorities with a full end to end travel management service. It comprises two lots:
Lot 1: Business Travel
Lot 3: Travel For Universities
For both Lots:
The provision of an online booking tool and an offline booking service for all business travel requirements and additional supporting services, e.g. tailored online booking tool to reflect customer’s travel policies, multiple booker travel profiles.
For Universities, calling off from Lot 3 (Travel for Universities), there is the added provision to research and book study trips.
Users of the framework will also be provided with account management, Management Information (MI) data, and assistance in meeting their carbon reduction targets.