To provide compliant options for the design, supply, project management, installation, removal and/or maintenance of EV charging points with support infrastructure.
We have two options for you to choose from:
925 Highway Electrical Installations – the providers awarded onto Category 2 of this DPS are HERS accredited. The Highway Electrical Registration Scheme members are audited by the Highways Electrical Association for their competences in various Electrical Installations, not just for the public highways.
They have the capability to design, supply and maintain EV Charge ports that they have sourced in the open market. As this is a DPS, new providers are permitted to apply to be awarded at any time throughout its duration, provided they meet the required selection criteria.
1027 Street Lighting Products and Services – some of the providers awarded onto Lot 3 (Columns, Pillars, Posts and Ports) of this Framework Agreement are organisations that have the capability to design, supply and maintain EV Charge ports. They would employ an installation contractor in accordance with your requirements.