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SEN range
Create nurturing and inspiring spaces with our SEN range of products, handpicked to support key development.
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Switch and save with our YPO range, with hundreds of products to choose from.
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Community Playthings collection at YPO
Our Community Playthings range is 100% designed and manufactured in the UK. Each purchase includes tool-free assembly, a 15-year warranty, and a two-week delivery lead time.
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Shop the cosy collection at YPO
We're excited to be working in partnership with Cosy, a renowned supplier of high quality and imaginative products. Shop the full collection!
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  • Cart with cleaning supplies Facilities Management

    Essential services to help keep your school running smoothly.

  • Students receiving food Food and Catering

    Everything you need for your school meals and catering requirements.

  • Students in class Furniture

    Helping you create inspiring spaces.

  • Students using a computer ICT

    Technology and communications to help you stay connected and current.

  • Person using a laptop Professional Services

    Supporting your people and professional services.

  • Bus Driver Transport

    Help get your students from A to B.

  • Technician fixing light fixture Utilities

    Review your energy contracts to help save money.

It's now even easier to choose your exercise books
Find your exercise books in no time with our new exercise book selector. Pick your size, ruling, colour, and number of pages, then simply add to basket!
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Always in stock essentials
Explore our large range of always available products and get what you need, when you need it.
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SEN range
Create nurturing and inspiring spaces with our SEN range of products, handpicked to support key development.
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Making life easier for MATs across the country
Explore the benefits YPO can provide to Academies and Multi Academy Trusts across the country.
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Shop the YPO range and find what you need for less
Switch and save with our YPO range, with hundreds of products to choose from.
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Shop the cosy collection at YPO
We're excited to be working in partnership with Cosy, a renowned supplier of high quality and imaginative products. Shop the full collection!
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  • Cart with cleaning supplies Facilities Management

    Essential services to help keep your school running smoothly.

  • Students receiving food Food and Catering

    Everything you need for your school meals and catering requirements.

  • Students in class Furniture

    Helping you create inspiring spaces.

  • Students using a computer ICT

    Technology and communications to help you stay connected and current.

  • Person using a laptop Professional Services

    Supporting your people and professional services.

  • Bus Driver Transport

    Help get your students from A to B.

  • Technician fixing light fixture Utilities

    Review your energy contracts to help save money.

It's now even easier to choose your exercise books
Find your exercise books in no time with our new exercise book selector. Pick your size, ruling, colour, and number of pages, then simply add to basket!
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Always in stock essentials
Explore our large range of always available products and get what you need, when you need it.
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Making life easier for MATs across the country
Explore the benefits YPO can provide to Academies and Multi Academy Trusts across the country.
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Switch and save with our YPO range, with hundreds of products to choose from.
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  • Construction worker Buildings and Construction

    Our expert team can help with building, construction, repairs and alterations. Browse our frameworks.

  • Meeting Corporate and Financial Services

    Help to increase efficiencies and provide better support to your people.

  • Energy frameworks YPO Energy

    Find ways to reduce your energy consumption with our energy team.

  • Cleaning equipment Facilities and Waste Management

    Providing safe and cost effective working environments.

  • Fleet of white vans Fleet

    Whether you're looking for fleet hire or purchase, speak to our specialist team.

  • food and catering worker cooking Food and Catering

    Ordering food and catering couldn't be simpler with our UK Food Deal.

  • food and catering worker cooking Furniture

    Create environments that are tailored to your unique needs.

  • fleet and highways worker Highways

    Providing specialist industry knowledge to help meet your needs.

  • Corporate meeting HR and People

    Our team are here to help with all of your recruitment and training.

  • Woman using technology Technology and Communication

    We can help you source cost-effective solutions with a range of frameworks.

Simplify your food waste management
YPO's food waste management frameworks have been created to support local authorities on their journey of food waste separation to reduce landfill emissions. Find out more here.
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Explore our energy updates
We know that securing energy contracts can be a complex and difficult process, but we are here to help you. Explore our Energy Hub to find help and guidance, latest updates and more.
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Winter essentials products
Explore winter maintenance essentials and discover a range of products to combat the winter weather, from salt and grit to thermal workwear.
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Prize Freeze Extended
Discover prices frozen on 50 school essentials, with prices guaranteed until Spring 2025. Get stocked up on your classroom essentials for less, and help support the NSPCC with every purchase!
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Price drops at YPO
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Clearance range
Once they're gone... they're gone! Shop clearance here and save on a range of essentials.
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YPO classpacks, buy more for less
Make your budget go further with our collection of classpacks, and save on a range of classroom essentials.
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Shop the YPO range and find what you need for less
Switch and save with our YPO range, with hundreds of products to choose from.
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  • Construction worker Buildings and Construction

    Our expert team can help with building, construction, repairs and alterations. Browse our frameworks.

  • Meeting Corporate and Financial Services

    Help to increase efficiencies and provide better support to your people.

  • Energy frameworks YPO Energy

    Find ways to reduce your energy consumption with our energy team.

  • Cleaning equipment Facilities and Waste Management

    Providing safe and cost effective working environments.

  • Fleet of white vans Fleet

    Whether you're looking for fleet hire or purchase, speak to our specialist team.

  • food and catering worker cooking Food and Catering

    Ordering food and catering couldn't be simpler with our UK Food Deal.

  • food and catering worker cooking Furniture

    Create environments that are tailored to your unique needs.

  • fleet and highways worker Highways

    Providing specialist industry knowledge to help meet your needs.

  • Corporate meeting HR and People

    Our team are here to help with all of your recruitment and training.

  • Woman using technology Technology and Communication

    We can help you source cost-effective solutions with a range of frameworks.



BTS competition

This competition is now closed.


From classroom to essentials to organisational products, sports equipment to posture products, our bundles will help both students and teachers kick of the new school year.


What you could win

Classroom essentials – worth £478

This bundle includes pens, pencils, whiteboard markers, glue sticks, post-it notes, erasers, pencil sharpeners and rulers. 

A pallet of paper - worth £690

REY™ Copy Paper is the perfect all round paper – 40 boxes of paper, which is 100,000 sheets – that’s a lot of lessons!

Early years/Primary Art bundle – worth £406

With pens, papers, pencils, pots and brushes from Bic, Kraft, Staedtler and YPO.

Secondary Art bundle – worth £453

Quality watercolours, oil pastels, acrylics, art pads, brushes and paint pens, perfect for Secondary students. 

Early years/Primary sports bundle – worth £370

This bundle will help you get your primary kids moving come the new school year.  

Posture bundle – worth £156

A full range of products from Fellowes to help you with your posture.

Organisational bundle – worth £302

Get yourself fully organised for the start of term with this great bundle from Iderama. Everything a teacher needs to get organised in one bundle. 

Early Years catering bundle - worth £96

Kit out your early years dining setting with a catering bundle, including everything you need for your little learners.

Start building your 2024/2025 wishlist now!

It’s easy to forget all the things you want once the term begins, so use our wishlist function to create a shopping list for later. Just click the 'add to wishlist' button on each product page. You can easily revisit at a later date by clicking the wishlist button at the top of the page. 

Temporary wishlists only last for 30 days, but you can create a free account via the Sign in/register button at the top of the page.


A BIG thank you to our suppliers who have supported this competition and donated these prizes:  
Art Gecko, Bic, Daler-Rowney, Derwent, edding, Fellowes, Giotto, Harfield, Iderama, Lakeland, Manuscript, Pentel, POSCA, Post-it, Pritt, Rey, Stabilo, Staedtler, YPO




Enter now

Simply complete the form below for entry to the packages relevant to your age group. Please read our terms and conditions below.




Terms and conditions

By entering this competition, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions. 

The closing date/time for entries is 23:59 1 September 2024 (GMT). Entries received after this time will not be valid.

The competition is only open to: employees, governors and parent teacher associations, representatives of schools, Multi-Academy Trusts and early years settings in the UK (excluding the Channel Islands, Guernsey, Northern Ireland and Ireland). All entrants must be aged 18 years or over. In entering the competition, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim the prize.  

YPO accepts no responsibility for entries not successfully completed due to a technical fault technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind. 
It will be at YPO’s sole discretion as to whether any requirements for eligibility have been met, and YPO reserves all rights to disqualify you if your conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the competition. 

Entries will not be accepted from:
any employees, agents or suppliers of YPO (including any holding or subsidiary undertaking of these companies); 
or any members of the immediate families of the employees, agents or suppliers of the company listed above (including any holding or subsidiary undertaking of these companies). 
To enter, entrants must complete the entry form in full, providing full data and answering the question correctly. 
One eligible winner will be selected at random for each prize bundle within 14 working days of the closing date. 
The prizes are:

Bundle 1

722537 edding 361 Whiteboard Pens - Pack of 200 x Black
709859 Staedtler Noris HB Pencils - Pack of 150
734349 Manuscript Handwriting Pens - Pack of 200 x Black
736716 Pritt Sticks - Pack of 200 + 8 FREE
306614 BIC 1721 Drywipe Pens - Assorted – Pack 72            
704482 BIC Cristal Original Pen Fine Black Pack 50               
733008 BIC Cristal Original Ball Pen Medium Black Pack 50            
307337 BIC Cristal Large - Pack 50 x Black                             
307960 BIC Cristal Soft – Pack 50 x Black                              
706266 Post-It Notes - Pack of 20 (76 x 76mm)
703508 Stabilo Boss Original Highlighters - Pack of 48 x Assorted
716413 YPO Erasers - Pack of 20
706289 YPO Metal Pencil Sharpeners - Pack of 100 x Single Hole
306767 YPO Shatter Resistant Rulers - Pack of 100 x White (cm/mm)

Bundle 2

110787 - 40 x A4 Rey Copy Paper 80gsm - 2500 sheets (total 100,00 Sheets)

Bundle 3

726508 System3 6x500ml 
738018 Pentel Oil Pastels pk 144
735906 Watercolour Tablet box 10
740004 Brushes for Tins 
732842 Staedtler Tradition sketching pencils pk 144
105169 3 x Artgecko Shady A4
112011 5 x Kraft Sketch Book 300mm Square
105148 3 x Artgecko Classy A5 Sketchbook - Portrai5
XXX 5 x Artgecko Bristol Board A4 Pads
XXX 5 x Artgecko Toned Sketch A4 Pads
743004 Posca Classpack 
747556 Derwent Artist Colouring pencils pk 72
714437 Derwent Charcoal Pencil tub of 72
709212 Lakeland colouring classpack 360

Bundle 4

307414 YPO Ready Mixed Paints 20x500ml
307971 Kraft Paper Rolls 
752916 Staedtler Noris Colouring 
741496 BIC Visacolour pk 288
755032  BIC® Kids Evolution Ecolutions Colouring Pencils - 288 Pack
711756  BIC® Pack of 144 Kids Evolution ECOlutions Triangular Colouring Pencils - Assorted Colours
709670  BIC® Kids Visa Felt Tip Colouring Pens - 144 Pack
308025 Giotto Turbo Maxi Colouring Pens pk 288
303402 YPO Playground chalks pk 52
307210 YPO Glitter 6x500g
740018 Soft Dough 150g pk 24
307405 YPO Blue Natural Glue 5Ltr
307409 YPO Clear PVA 5ltr
740004 Sable substitute brushes pk 50
N/A x11 1 ltr various colours in box
306620 Paint pots pk 12

Bundle 5

212752 5 x YPO Zeus Football – Size 4
212751 5 x YPO Zeus Football – Size 3
28291X 5 x Toss and Catch Pads - 2 Pack
291234 Plastic Skipping Ropes - 20 Pack
282952 5 x Pack of 4 Junior Plastic Playbats
293563 4 x Playground Balls - Pack of 4
306280 10 x Small Sports Activity Kit
803971 3 x PVC Footballs - 6 Pack

Bundle 6

790049                    Fellowes Office Suites Laptop Riser
790053                    Standard Monitor Riser, Graphite
79953X                    Fellowes Office Suites™ Microban® Adjustable Foot Rest
790043                    Fellowes Office Suites Mesh Back Support
799408                    Fellowes Office Suites™ Desktop Document Holder
790046 Crystal Gel Keyboard Wrist Support, Black
790047                    Memory Foam Mousepad Wrist Support, Black

Bundle 7

705596 Iderama Elasticated 3 Flap Folders, A4
705599 Iderama Harlequin 6 Drawer Set
713997 Iderama Toolbox Mini 4 Drawers
713994 Iderama Letter Trays, COMBI MIDI
705595 Iderama Foolscap Document Wallets
306628 Aquarel Pastel Lever Arch Files
705600 Iderama Flat Bar Files
306629 Aquarel Pastel Ring Binders
705597 Iderama Harlequin 5 Drawer Unit
705600 Iderama Flat Bar Files
713995 Iderama Harlequin Modulotop Vertical Sorter

Bundle 8

247995 Harfield Large Narrow Rimmed Plates, 23cm, Red – Pack of 10
248487 Harfield Narrow Rimmed Bowls, 17cm, Red – Pack of 10 | Polycarbonate Tableware | YPO
247618 Harfield Small Meal Tray, 4 Compartments - Red | Polycarbonate Tableware | YPO
247762 Polycarbonate Cutlery - Small - Knife - Red - Pack of 10 | Polycarbonate Tableware | YPO
247776 Polycarbonate Cutlery - Small - Dessert Spoon - Red - Pack of 10 | Polycarbonate Tableware | YPO
247743 Polycarbonate Cutlery - Teaspoon - Red - Pack of 10 | Polycarbonate Tableware | YPO
248193 Harfield Round Bowl, 10cm, Red – Pack of 10 | Polycarbonate Tableware | YPO
D78823 Harfield Fluted Tumbler - 150ml - Pack of 10


No purchase is necessary.

No cash or alternative prize is available. The prize is non-transferable.  

The winner’s details will be made available after the draw date by writing to the Marketing Department at YPO. If you are the winning entrant and object to any or all of your details being published or made available, please contact YPO.  In such circumstances, YPO must still provide the information and winning entry to the Advertising Standards Authority on request. 

YPO shall notify the entrant that they are the winner via the email address on your account. If the winner doesn’t accept their prize after three (3) attempts of being contacted and/or within one (1) week of being contacted, the prize will be allocated to another entrant. 

Any decisions relating to the competition are final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the competition. 

Any Personal Data shared will be used solely for the purposes of the competition by YPO and/or any appointed third party. By entering this competition, you consent to the use of your Personal Data for the purposes of running this competition, and any other purposes consented to by you. YPO’s Privacy Policy can be found here: https://www.ypo.co.uk/legal/privacy YPO’s registered address is 41 Industrial Park, Wakefield, WF2 0XE and can be contacted at [email protected] 

Except as detailed within these Terms and Conditions, and as permitted by law, YPO, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected. 

YPO may, at its sole discretion, terminate the competition at any time where there are reasonable grounds to do so without liability to you. 

YPO may amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice to you. 

YPO reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the prize competition where it becomes necessary to do so. 

These terms and conditions are governed by English law. If any entrants to this promotion wish to take court proceedings, then they must do this within the courts in the United Kingdom. 

This competition is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Facebook, or its parent company Meta.