We have developed some quick and easy ways to develop that all-important relationship, I’m sure you’ve started to implement these already:
- Weekly calls with your Managed Service Provider
YPO is heavily communicating with all MSP providers and we are ensuring that they support you in a way that suits you. As part of this support we would expect MSP providers to arrange a weekly minimum call.
This call will allow the provider to support your challenges in the coming weeks and understand your future needs.
- Weekly Management Information
The MSP provider should be able to provide you with a new set of MI that is relevant to COVID-19. This information may include candidate availability, supply chain capacity, time to fill etc. We suggest that this information is provided on a weekly basis.
- Sharing of sickness information
Contracting authorities should be sharing information on sickness and anticipated sickness in the coming weeks. Providers know this is hard to predict but they need to ensure your supply chains are ready to cope with any demand you may have.
Providers and authorities should be looking at potential high-risk skills shortage within the authority and be looking to develop an understand of which areas are likely to be under strain in the coming weeks.
This information should be fluid between both organisations.
MSP providers should be evidencing to you where they have developed stronger supply chains in your key areas. Work together with your provider to ensure that local agencies are onboarded via your MSP.
Your current agency workers might know of some other local agencies that might support future needs.
YPO are seeing some public sector organisations develop talent pools for their key workers. Speak to your MSP providers and work with them to discuss options for developing talent pools.
Some individuals might not traditionally work in the public sector, but their skills may match your requirements. Providers may start to carry out skills analysis to try to find workers outside of your normal pool of candidates, this should be discussed as an option with your MSP.
Agencies are looking at the skill sets of worker in private sector organisations to see if they have the right skills to deploy them into other roles.
YPO have made providers aware that they shouldn’t be holding roles for long periods of time. If a role can’t be filled internally by an agency or in a supply chain tier it should be proactively submitted out to a wider supply base ASAP.
Recruitment agencies or MSP’s should not be holding job roles during these times.