Exams are often consumed by test stress and exam anxiety. But don't be a revision recluse; try our tips to get you through the examination season.
When exam season begins, the revision mountain can be hard to climb. It’s easy to feel like you are running out of time or slip into panic mode when preparing for a test. As well as worrying about what you have to revise, it can be stressful knowing how to actually go about revising. The key is often knowing which revision technique works best for you.
To guide you through this stressful time, we've listed some fun techniques to get through those long revision sessions:
- Mind maps: Using ordinary plain card to connect key words and images, this technique can help students work in a more visual way when recalling information.
- Test one another: Record cards are a great way to consolidate information into key bullet points and trigger words. Test your pupils, or get them to test each other!
- Add some colour: Who doesn't love colour co-ordinated notes?! But aside from looking pretty(!), careful use of colour with coloured pens, highlighter pens and coloured tabs can actually help stimulate the brain and link key topics or categories together.
- Digest it in chunks: Organise your notes carefully, so you can keep different subjects and modules separate. Things like notepads with dividers or subject dividers are handy resources to have.
- Go sticky note crazy: note down key words and phrases on sticky notes and place them around your room or house as reminders!
- Scribble away: Jot down notes using a whiteboard and whiteboard pen without having to worry about neatness. Wipe it clean and start again!
We hope you find these tips helpful. Find more useful revision products here.
Good luck to everyone taking their exams this season!