You may already have the best price on an energy deal, understand your consumption and be up to date with changes in the energy market, but there are some simple tips to help you save even more:
Tip 1: Lights – Switch off lights in unoccupied rooms. Consider investing in low-cost, automatic switches and utilise free daylight in lighting schemes.
Tip 2: Turn it off – Turn off all computers, monitors and printers when not in use. Leaving on standby will cost you extra money.
Tip 3: Heating – Only heat in-use buildings and rooms and reduce temperatures if possible. Reducing by just 1°C will have a positive impact on bills.
Tip 4: Energy management tool – Utilise Npower’s IA energy management tool. This will help you identify where electricity can be reduced.
Tip 5: Hours of the day – Avoid peak times where possible. Electricity costs more at peak hours so it’s the best time to reduce consumption to save money.
Tip 6: Settings – Check settings to ensure heating comes on and goes off at suitable times – can these be adjusted over the school holidays?
Tip 7: Energy champions – Invite pupils and staff to be energy champions to ensure these checks are carried out.
Tip 8: Communication – YPO and Npower will keep in touch with you to discuss how you can continue to save energy and money, throughout the contract when you choose YPO for your school’s energy supply.
These tips may appear obvious, but are you sure your entire school are on-board with fulfilling these tasks? Engage with your staff and your pupils and ask them to spread the word, circulate the tips, and start saving money for your school today.