Here are three top tips in making sure children enjoy fitness, not only for one day but for rest of their lives.
1. Make it a habit
Make sure exercise is included in everyday life so it becomes a normal part of the day. Children will do it subconsciously without even having to think about it. It could be walking or getting on their bike to and from school, skipping or hula hoop in the playground or garden, or playing sports after school on a weekly basis.
Studies show that habits children learn in their everyday lives as a child, means they will be more likely to incorporate into adulthood, as the habit of sport and moving more become a normal part of life.
2. Get active together
Children being active together in team sports gives a positive impact on their self-esteem, social skills, confidence and attention span – studies also suggest that this further helps to improve their academic capacity and capability throughout their life in both education and the work environment.
3. Change it up
The main reason that children quit sports is because they no longer find the activity fun. By changing the activities they do on a regular basis means they’re more likely to enjoy sports for longer.
This could be by changing to a different sporting activity for every month of the year to allow them to experience a range of sports and find some that they will enjoy and may keep doing into their adult life. For example:
• January – Football
• February - Rugby
• March - Hockey
• April – Athletics
• May – Rounders
• June – Cricket
• July - Tennis
• August – Netball
• September – Badminton
• October – Basketball
• November - Golf
• December – Orienteering
National Fitness day on Wednesday 26th September 2018 is a perfect day to get everyone involved. Help kickstart and be more aware of the importance of fitness, not just for the health and wellbeing of todays’ children but also for future generations.