First things first, you need to take the emphasis out of quantity and instead focus on offering the right training for the right people. Take a look at your new TMC, if you’ve selected a TMC similar to your last or one with an easy booking process, there really shouldn’t be any need for any long-drawn expert training or any over complicated sessions as this will be a waste on your company’s resource and time.
One good thing to consider is the culture of your organisation and what your end user will need and expect to know. For example, if it’s the first time your organisation is rolling out an online booking tool you may need to give that extra helping hand in the initial stages. Perhaps run a two week phase for a group of key users, this will help boost user confidence. However, if you’re a tech savvy organisation who is used to using online tools you may find that stricter training sessions go down like a lead balloon and, in fact, your users are ready to start booking straight away.
As always, you should confer with your new TMC who should offer a range of different training options. Your implementation manager will know the needs of your users and be able to recommend the best training programmes for your organisation. As a start, ask new users to make use of user guides, online help pages and online chat whenever possible. For more complex training options, suggest having recorded video sessions, face to face sessions or traveller/booker roadshow days with members of your new TMC. Regular feedback is key, engage your users and find out what’s going well and what isn’t going well, this will help you tailor your training and ensure there’s no leakage in your travel programme.
For more information contact [email protected] or view the Travel Management Services framework.