For more than a while now austerity and efficiency has dictated that something needs to change in how the public sector procures. Budget pressures are now driving you far beyond simply looking for a better deal, doing things together and driving down cost. We’ve reached the breaking point.
Whichever way Brexit goes – whatever they say - Government will have no choice but to maintain the downward pressure. They may well invest in vote grabbing services and infrastructure to bolster industry, but what about the stuff that the public doesn’t see? Or that doesn’t win elections? The expression ‘do more with less’ may well become all too painful. Well, unless we do something about it – think like entrepreneurs and refocus on the business outcome your organisation needs.
I’m really excited about speaking at the World of Procurement event this year. I attended last year just before we signed our partnership agreement with YPO and found it to be a really vibrant and insightful day.
I think I may well be being positioned by my YPO friends as a fairly provocative speaker, and I guess they would be right. I’m not a procurement person. I’m from the ‘dark side’ – I’m a Business Developer and bidding specialist who among other things now teaches the private sector how to deliver compelling compliant bids to you lovely public sector procurement lot.
The benefit of now being an impartial consultant in the forum I’m presented with in July is that I can really genuinely tell you the truth. We’re finding there is a great deal of value in putting procurement and bidding people together away from live procurements to share ideas and best practice. We’re going to be in a room together with the doors shut, away from a competitive procurement situation and without any agenda. I’m not going to be pushing a client or a proposition. I’m just there as a friend to ‘have the conversation’ as I call it.
I’m going to talk you through some of what we have found through our work with YPO and its suppliers - in trying to raise the game of suppliers in bidding for work to obtain a better value outcome for the buyer. Beyond the basics of compliance and best practice writing, my YPO friends have been fascinated to hear about how we bidders (should) profile them and their stakeholders, strategise, and build solutions to not just meet the clients needs, but to enable a greater value business outcome. And we’ve had some really constructive conversations about what the private sector wished you’d do, dare I say, better.
We’ll talk through:
- How the private sector mirrors your strategic sourcing approach with capture management and how we are missing a trick
- How we wish we could share value with you, and
- Some things we wished we’d talked about before the ITT came out
Please do contribute to the session, ask questions, challenge, give me context. I’m looking forward to it.
Details of our partnership with YPO can be found in the supplier hub.