July 2018 saw the launch of our nationwide apprenticeship framework.
With the introduction of the apprenticeship levy, the majority of UK employers want to ensure they utilise their apprenticeship fund effectively – but did you know, there’s currently very few public sector procurement solutions in place to help you set up apprenticeship standards?
This is a huge challenge for public sector organisations as they try to purchase apprenticeship training that is compliant and good value for money. With this in mind, we’re creating a framework solution where public sector organisations can access apprenticeship standards through a range of local and national suppliers. All current apprenticeship standards will be covered by the framework, and new standards, developed by trail-blazer groups, will be added to the framework as and when they’re released.
If you’re a supplier and interested in joining the framework, please sign up on the YPO tendering portal here: https://procontract.due-north.com/register
Customer features and benefits
- Set up to help you meet targets set in place with the apprenticeship levy
- One central hub to choose whichever apprenticeship standards you need
- All apprenticeship standards are covered
- Approved providers for each of the standards
- Direct award and further competition for each standard
- Regionalised framework
- Continuously evolving provider base
- New standards will be added every quarter
Supplier information
1. Are you interested in delivering an apprenticeship standard?
2. Register on the YPO tendering portal (ensure you set your organisation up against the correct CPV codes) https://procontract.due-north.com/register
3. You will receive an alert when the apprenticeship tender is published, this is based on the CPV codes you register against
4. Check the tender portal on a frequent basis to view all live opportunities
5. Once the opportunity is live, register your interest in the apprenticeship framework
6. Download all available documents for the tender process
7. Read the tender particulars document
8. Please read Appendix A to ensure you download the correct documents for the relevant apprenticeship standard
9. Return the completed documents by the deadline provided in the documents
10. In approximately a month you will be advised if you have been successful onto the framework
11. The opportunity to bid for standards will re-open every quarter
Register your interest
If you’re interested in using the framework or becoming a supplier on the framework, please fill in the below form. The team will send on information on the specification and standards procured, DA and FC information as well as information on the opportunity to bid for the tender.