Course Details Andy will guide you through Chris’ latest thoughts on igniting children’s imagination,developing creative themes for learning and attracting children to learning.He will do this by showing how the Essentials Curriculum may be used for planningfor breadth and depth and how this provides the ‘bookends’ to a lively, imaginativecurriculum.He will also share with you the innovative and exciting ‘Depth of Learning Index’, whichprovides an insightful way to assess progress without level descriptors.This course will be useful for delegates who have attended the previous curriculumconference ‘Clarity and Creativity in the new National Primary Curriculum’, as well asdelegates who are new to our curriculum conferences.This course will cover:Assessment.Checking, marking progress.Basic skills.Attitudes and teaching...
Andy will guide you through Chris’ latest thoughts on igniting children’s imagination,developing creative themes for learning and attracting children to learning.He will do this by showing how the Essentials Curriculum may be used for planningfor breadth and depth and how this provides the ‘bookends’ to a lively, imaginativecurriculum.He will also share with you the innovative and exciting ‘Depth of Learning Index’, whichprovides an insightful way to assess progress without level descriptors.This course will be useful for delegates who have attended the previous curriculumconference ‘Clarity and Creativity in the new National Primary Curriculum’, as well asdelegates who are new to our curriculum conferences.This course will cover:Assessment.Checking, marking progress.Basic skills.Attitudes and teaching...
With over 25 yearsexperience, Andyhas held a widevariety of jobs ineducation including those of headteacher, advisor to local authorities,literacy consultant and coach / mentorto newly appointed head teachers.Praised by OFSTED for the work heundertook leading his first schoolout of Serious Weaknesses and intocategory 1 ‘beacon’ status within a3 year time frame, he is passionatein his belief that we need to develop21st century schools for 21st centurychildren.Described as innovative andinspirational by colleagues whohave attended his training, Andy isable to convey key messages in anengaging and entertaining manner. Hecontinues to hone his presentationalskills by touring at weekends with aprofessional theatre company.Andy has considerable experience ofworking with teachers, head teachers,governors and support staff to helpdevelop and improve the quality oflearning experienced by children.