Course Details This course will take into account changes within the physical education NationalCurriculum which includes planning for progression from Early Goals through to the endof key stage attainment targets.There will also be reference to the Physical Education and School Sport Premium forprimary schools and effectiveness of this spending in line with Ofsted. It will also focus onexpected outcomes, impact and sustainability of this funding.The course will address the crucial role that physical education plays right acrosscurriculum and how it impacts on whole school improvement.Course Participants will:Be aware of the purpose, aims and content of the Primary National Curriculum forphysical education.Be able to assess without using levelsBe aware of expected outcomes, impact and sustainability of the Physical Educationand School Sport Premium funding and how to record it.Be able to see the impact that physical education has on whole school improvement...
This course will take into account changes within the physical education NationalCurriculum which includes planning for progression from Early Goals through to the endof key stage attainment targets.There will also be reference to the Physical Education and School Sport Premium forprimary schools and effectiveness of this spending in line with Ofsted. It will also focus onexpected outcomes, impact and sustainability of this funding.The course will address the crucial role that physical education plays right acrosscurriculum and how it impacts on whole school improvement.Course Participants will:Be aware of the purpose, aims and content of the Primary National Curriculum forphysical education.Be able to assess without using levelsBe aware of expected outcomes, impact and sustainability of the Physical Educationand School Sport Premium funding and how to record it.Be able to see the impact that physical education has on whole school improvement...
Eileen has beeninvolved in physicaleducation for manyyears. She trained as a secondaryteacher and started her teachingcareer in London before moving northwhere she was an advisory teacher inHuddersfield. She has worked across allphases both as a provider of continuingprofessional development and a schoolimprovement officer in Kirklees. Sheis an Ofsted team inspector and hasundertaken over forty inspections.Eileen is a former President andhonoured member of the BritishAssociation of Advisers and Lecturersin Physical Education and was theirGeneral Secretary until the Associationdissolved in 2004. She was PolicyAdviser in afPE until the end of 2005when she joined their National Collegefor CPD as a Senior Project Officer.She is a national trainer and deliversnumerous Professional Learningopportunities in afPE’s ProfessionalSupport Unit including High QualityTeaching and Learning, High QualityLeadership and Physical EducationAwareness for Adults SupportingLearning.