Course Details This fun and engaging course will show you how to create more meaningful andinspirational art lessons with more confidence without needing lots of technical expertise.It will show you a range of simple, practical approaches to integrate art into the curriculumso that you can develop creative approaches to learning and effectively meet the targets ofthe new art curriculum.The course will also demonstrate simple but effective assessment strategies that take theburden out of assessment and make it an effective tool for learning.Course participants will:Develop new, practical approaches to making art.Be able to plan meaningful art activities more easily.Learn effective classroom art assessment techniques...
This fun and engaging course will show you how to create more meaningful andinspirational art lessons with more confidence without needing lots of technical expertise.It will show you a range of simple, practical approaches to integrate art into the curriculumso that you can develop creative approaches to learning and effectively meet the targets ofthe new art curriculum.The course will also demonstrate simple but effective assessment strategies that take theburden out of assessment and make it an effective tool for learning.Course participants will:Develop new, practical approaches to making art.Be able to plan meaningful art activities more easily.Learn effective classroom art assessment techniques...
Paul has been involved in arteducation for over twenty five yearsas a head of art, advanced skillsteacher, middle school art teacherand consultant delivering art teachertraining for leading educationorganisations and LEAs. His websiteis one of the leading art resourcesites in the UK, he is a boardmember for the NSEAD and wasa member of the Expert AdvisoryGroup who wrote the new nationalcompetencies for art & design.