Course Details As the Geography Order (2014) explains ‘high quality geography education should inspirein pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world’ and develop an understanding ofthe relationship ‘between the Earth’s key physical and human processes’ as well as ‘theformation of landscapes and environments’.This course will build upon last year’s successful workshop, but is also a stand-aloneevent if you did not attend the previous one. It will explore in practical ways how the vastrange of different elements of physical geography in both Key Stage 1 and 2 will developan understanding of the relation between people, place and physical geography.An important focus will be upon teacher background knowledge as well as how primarychildren can ‘get to grips’ with the subject in ways that avoid a diet of diagrams, orstanding in the rain at Malham Cove!If you’re new to physical geography or already an advocate then this course is for you...
As the Geography Order (2014) explains ‘high quality geography education should inspirein pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world’ and develop an understanding ofthe relationship ‘between the Earth’s key physical and human processes’ as well as ‘theformation of landscapes and environments’.This course will build upon last year’s successful workshop, but is also a stand-aloneevent if you did not attend the previous one. It will explore in practical ways how the vastrange of different elements of physical geography in both Key Stage 1 and 2 will developan understanding of the relation between people, place and physical geography.An important focus will be upon teacher background knowledge as well as how primarychildren can ‘get to grips’ with the subject in ways that avoid a diet of diagrams, orstanding in the rain at Malham Cove!If you’re new to physical geography or already an advocate then this course is for you...
Howard ispassionate aboutgeography andits teaching. Hetaught for 19 years using innovativeideas such as chartering aeroplanesfor lessons above the northwestof England. Following teachingin schools he became AdvisoryTeacher for Geography in Tamesideand Bradford. Until recently hewas Senior Lecturer in Geographyat University College Bradford:McMillan School of Teaching.Howard provides CPD/INSET acrossthe country and annually for theDutch Geographical Association.He is consultant and author of theBBC Schools Television PrimaryGeography series and supportmaterials.