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Assessment and Progress in Primary Science : Taking the lead

Course Details

Assessing science enables teachers to track pupils’ progress in order to inform future
teaching and learning. With the loss of the level descriptors teachers will have to monitor
and track pupils’ progress in science in a different way. ‘Primarily Science’ has produced a
progression, assessment and tracking tool to help support schools in doing this.

Participants will have the opportunity to examine this tool and learn how it can easily
be adapted to use in their schools. They will then explore a range of ‘Assessment for
Learning’ techniques and strategies for confirming progress, and will consider how they
can be implemented in the primary classroom.

Course participants will:

?? Know how to track pupil progress in science.
?? Understand how to use and adapt the “Primarily Science’ Progression , Assessment
and Tracking Primary Science tool” in their school.
?? Use a range of ‘Assessment for Learning’ strategies effectively to promote children’s
?? Make confident and reliable teacher assessments of science and identify and
planning for children’s next steps.
?? Moderate their judements...
Course Date Mon 04 Jul
Duration 10:00 - 15:30
Location Wakefield
Venue Address YPO, 41 Industrial Park, Wakefield, WF2 0XE
Target Audience Primary science subject leaders and Key Stage 1 and 2 teachers.
Lunch 12:30 - 13:15
Price £120
Voucher Value £95

Course Tutor

Debbie works in a partnership known as ‘Primarily
Science’ and is kept busy producing new science
resources, providing consultancy and
delivering science courses, conference
key notes and workshop sessions. She
is a Primary Professional Development
Leader for the North West Science
Learning Centre and a member of the
SLC Primary Development group.
Debbie has contributed to a range
of innovative and well received
resources including ‘Discovery Dog’
and ‘Problem Pup’ and is currently
working with Kate Blacklock and
Anne Goldsworthy on a ‘Key Stage 1
Enquiry Games pack’. She has recently
contributed to ‘ASE Guide to Primary
Science Education’.