Course Details This course will look at the use of maths in the world in which we live. We will usepractical as well as photographic resources. There will be a great deal of learning throughdoing.The course will:Allow all course members to have practical, creative experiences which can be used inthe classroom.Further develop knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live.Develop an appreciation for the mathematical opportunities when exploring bothinside and outside environments.Promote high levels of number fluency...
This course will look at the use of maths in the world in which we live. We will usepractical as well as photographic resources. There will be a great deal of learning throughdoing.The course will:Allow all course members to have practical, creative experiences which can be used inthe classroom.Further develop knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live.Develop an appreciation for the mathematical opportunities when exploring bothinside and outside environments.Promote high levels of number fluency...
Janet is a freelanceeducation consultantwho has worked withchildren and adultsthroughout the foundation and primarystages. She has been a teacher andheadteacher of both mainstream andspecial schools. She holds very strongbeliefs about how young childrenlearn, and this is reflected not onlythrough her work but also through hernumerous publications.Children (and adults!) learn best whenthey are actively involved in their ownlearning. Many children are asked torecord their mathematics before theyhave developed a real understanding ofthe concepts involved. Her work allowschildren to develop understandingas well as the thinking involved indecision making.