Course Details This lively and engaging training workshop will enable delegates to reflect upon their own work-lifebalance, energy, self-esteem and positivity. In schools and early years settings there are many tired,over-stretched adults who ignore their own wellbeing needs, always putting others first. Yet to releaseexcellence in others we need self-awareness, self-knowledge and oceans of energy!The course willGive time to reflect and discuss what staff need to remain healthy, positive and joyful.Look at strategies to keep your own energy levels high.Explore how to enhance self-esteem and morale of all staff, and to check if all adults are using positive language with each other and children.Help promote ideas of how staff can support each other with systems that look after their wellbeing.Provide you with a chance to develop a personal care plan...
This lively and engaging training workshop will enable delegates to reflect upon their own work-lifebalance, energy, self-esteem and positivity. In schools and early years settings there are many tired,over-stretched adults who ignore their own wellbeing needs, always putting others first. Yet to releaseexcellence in others we need self-awareness, self-knowledge and oceans of energy!The course willGive time to reflect and discuss what staff need to remain healthy, positive and joyful.Look at strategies to keep your own energy levels high.Explore how to enhance self-esteem and morale of all staff, and to check if all adults are using positive language with each other and children.Help promote ideas of how staff can support each other with systems that look after their wellbeing.Provide you with a chance to develop a personal care plan...
Jenny MosleyJenny is a teacher, educational consultant andprolific author. Her pioneering playtime work hasbeen featured on the BBC documentary ‘Just OneChance’. Her whole school approach to positiverelationships has proved time and time again towork in many different countries and cultures.