Course Details This course will take a practical, hands-on look at the progression in knowledge and skills fordeveloping written calculation methods with deeper understanding. It will focus on the importanceof developing prerequisite skills, as well as the use of practical equipment to teach procedures andunderstanding in tandem.The course willExplore the principles of counting and the need for firm foundations in the teaching of calculation.Unpick the progression in teaching written methods for calculation.Provide a greater understanding of how appropriate models and images can support the development and understanding of a moreabstract algorithm.Reinforce understanding of the relationships between the fouroperations...
This course will take a practical, hands-on look at the progression in knowledge and skills fordeveloping written calculation methods with deeper understanding. It will focus on the importanceof developing prerequisite skills, as well as the use of practical equipment to teach procedures andunderstanding in tandem.The course willExplore the principles of counting and the need for firm foundations in the teaching of calculation.Unpick the progression in teaching written methods for calculation.Provide a greater understanding of how appropriate models and images can support the development and understanding of a moreabstract algorithm.Reinforce understanding of the relationships between the fouroperations...
Hazel LargeHazel is an experienced teacher and freelanceprimary maths consultant with over 20 years’experience working in primary schools. Hazel ispassionate about maths teaching and learning. Shebrings a hands-on approach to all her training to‘bring maths to life’ for teachers and children.