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Put the Excitement Back in your Geography

Course Details

Course overview Geography is an exciting subject that is about real people and places It should be enquirybased and definitely NOT a diet of inappropriate and non-challenging worksheets, or comprehension exercises based upon reading the big book.

The subject is about NOW and should throw open the window on the world for every child regardless of age, and always through the progressive use of geographical skills, activities and an appropriate ‘pitch’. The overuse of published schemes, insufficient visual material and its place as an extension to literacy-based work have driven out the immediacy and the synthesis of geographical knowledge that only comes from the subject being for everyone and always.

The day will explore many practical ways in which the excitement and immediacy can be promoted and develop a deep understanding and enthusiasm with young children. After all geography is everywhere and without it we are nowhere!!!..
Course Date Mon 19 Jun
Duration 10:00 - 15:30
Location Wakefield
Venue Address YPO, 41 Industrial Park, Wakefield, WF2 0XE
Target Audience All teachers of Geography in Key Stages 1 and 2.
Lunch 12:30 - 13:15
Price £129
Voucher Value £100

Course Tutor

Howard is passionate about geography andits teaching. He taught for 19 years using innovative ideas such as chartering aeroplanes for lessons above the northwest of England. Following teaching in schools he became Advisory Teacher for Geography in Tameside and Bradford. Until recently he was Senior Lecturer in Geography at University College Bradford: McMillan School of Teaching. Howard provides CPD/INSET across the country and annually for the Dutch Geographical Association. He is consultant and author of the BBC Schools Television Primary Geography series and support materials.