Course Details Along with all their other classroom and school duties, teaching assistants are coming under ever-increasing expectations and pressure – from government, school leaders and their over-burdened teachers - to enhance their own teaching skills, both generally and specific to particular subject. Such TAs are expected to be able to work one-on-one and with small groups of pupils. Under some circumstances, TAs may even be expected to teach the entire class. But they are in a particularly unique position to help individual or small groups of pupils with their learning, including how to creatively think, reason and problem solve for themselves. All of this is a tall order, for which TAs need training, confidence, knowledge and experience - not only concerning the process of teaching itself, but also about particularsubjects, such as maths. The course will:Provide hands-on maths investigations, puzzles, tricks and other novel maths activities, class demonstrations and ideas designed to stimulate the mathematical minds of the pupils. The approach and activities exercise pupils’ higher order thinking skills, including applying, analysing, evaluating and creative problem solving and reasoning.Inspire TAs to play an active role in ‘outstanding’ maths lessons with their teacher.Give TAs a range of tried-and-tested maths activities to take back to the class.Show TAs how to effectively teach and illustrate maths theory with the use of such practical, hands-on or teacher/TA-demonstrated activities.Show TAs a way of presenting maths enquiry that is particularly effective for pupils of a wide range of ages and abilities right across Key Stage 1 and 2.Provide FREE site-licensed, printable digital teachers resources detailing all the activities covered on the course and lots more, not only for the TA but the rest of the school...
Along with all their other classroom and school duties, teaching assistants are coming under ever-increasing expectations and pressure – from government, school leaders and their over-burdened teachers - to enhance their own teaching skills, both generally and specific to particular subject. Such TAs are expected to be able to work one-on-one and with small groups of pupils. Under some circumstances, TAs may even be expected to teach the entire class. But they are in a particularly unique position to help individual or small groups of pupils with their learning, including how to creatively think, reason and problem solve for themselves. All of this is a tall order, for which TAs need training, confidence, knowledge and experience - not only concerning the process of teaching itself, but also about particularsubjects, such as maths. The course will:Provide hands-on maths investigations, puzzles, tricks and other novel maths activities, class demonstrations and ideas designed to stimulate the mathematical minds of the pupils. The approach and activities exercise pupils’ higher order thinking skills, including applying, analysing, evaluating and creative problem solving and reasoning.Inspire TAs to play an active role in ‘outstanding’ maths lessons with their teacher.Give TAs a range of tried-and-tested maths activities to take back to the class.Show TAs how to effectively teach and illustrate maths theory with the use of such practical, hands-on or teacher/TA-demonstrated activities.Show TAs a way of presenting maths enquiry that is particularly effective for pupils of a wide range of ages and abilities right across Key Stage 1 and 2.Provide FREE site-licensed, printable digital teachers resources detailing all the activities covered on the course and lots more, not only for the TA but the rest of the school...
Dr Mark’ (aka Dr Mark Biddiss) specialises in using simple, fun and novel ways of engaging both pupils and teachers alike about science and maths. Since 1997, ‘Dr Mark’ has visited many hundreds of schools with his novel and lively pupil shows, hands-on pupil workshops and teachers’ CPD/INSET sessions, and continues to do so.He has produced several innovative teachers’ and pupils’ science and maths resources, now used by thousands of teachers across the UK and overseas. He is recommended by a number of teacher training colleges, and is a regular conference events all over the UK, including over ten years at the TES events. Dr Mark was even featured in a teachers’ TV programme about his work: ‘INSPIRATIONS: Magical Science & Maths’.