Course Details This practical and engaging course will be split into three sections.•Part 1: We’ll look at PE planning and how to use the PE curriculum to create end of year expectations, PE overview and assessment criteria.•Part 2: Inclusion and challenge will be the focus of this part of the course. Example lessons will be delivered for delegates to observe and contribute to.•Part 3: Dale will cover the benefits of orienteering. It will include problem solving and outdoor adventurous activities as well as self and peer assessment methods.Learning Outcomes•Understand the end of key stage expectations and use assessment criteria to inform future planning.•Deliver inclusive and challenging PE lessons in line with the curriculum.•Introduce a variety of assessment, communication and collaboration methods when delivering orienteering and PE...
This practical and engaging course will be split into three sections.•Part 1: We’ll look at PE planning and how to use the PE curriculum to create end of year expectations, PE overview and assessment criteria.•Part 2: Inclusion and challenge will be the focus of this part of the course. Example lessons will be delivered for delegates to observe and contribute to.•Part 3: Dale will cover the benefits of orienteering. It will include problem solving and outdoor adventurous activities as well as self and peer assessment methods.Learning Outcomes•Understand the end of key stage expectations and use assessment criteria to inform future planning.•Deliver inclusive and challenging PE lessons in line with the curriculum.•Introduce a variety of assessment, communication and collaboration methods when delivering orienteering and PE...
Dale SpencerDale has taught primary school PE for over 16 years, as well as being a PE advisor and training officer for Bolton Council. During his career he has gained numerous nationally recognised qualifications in sport. Dale has delivered PE across several countries and won a specialist award for exceptional contribution to school sport. He also provides professional coaching to elite athletes.