Course Details As the Purpose of Study for National Curriculum History states, ‘A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.’ This course aims to prepare schools and teachers for the introduction of the Revised Order (September 2014). It will provide practical ways of adapting existing provision and using the Programme of Study creatively. History is an exciting subject as well as important to all children’s conceptual development and in particular about how change occurs and affects people. Children need to ‘do’ the subject and not ‘just learn the facts and dates’. It is about enquiry and the progressive use of the skills, or key elements through appropriate History study units in order to build a narrative of the past and its people. The introduction of the revised History Order is the opportunity to ‘spice up’ your curriculum and also an opportunity to use the subject as a unifying force in a more creative and inspirational way. This workshop will consider practical activities and planning to handle the September 2014 introduction of the revised Programmes of Study. The day will review the changes and provide appropriate ways of making adjustments to the existing curriculum. There will be practical examples of how your history curriculum can be revitalised with the integration of the revisions, progressive skill use and also through a more holistic approach that will benefit all children. The challenge is to ‘go creative’ but without necessarily replacing everything that exists. So the workshop will provide practical solutions and ideas for handling the revisions; how these will impact upon planning and also provide practical ‘hands-on’ ways of enthusing young historians and their teachersAs the National Curriculum Geography Order explains, ‘high quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world’ and be equipped with an ‘understanding..
As the Purpose of Study for National Curriculum History states, ‘A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.’ This course aims to prepare schools and teachers for the introduction of the Revised Order (September 2014). It will provide practical ways of adapting existing provision and using the Programme of Study creatively. History is an exciting subject as well as important to all children’s conceptual development and in particular about how change occurs and affects people. Children need to ‘do’ the subject and not ‘just learn the facts and dates’. It is about enquiry and the progressive use of the skills, or key elements through appropriate History study units in order to build a narrative of the past and its people. The introduction of the revised History Order is the opportunity to ‘spice up’ your curriculum and also an opportunity to use the subject as a unifying force in a more creative and inspirational way. This workshop will consider practical activities and planning to handle the September 2014 introduction of the revised Programmes of Study. The day will review the changes and provide appropriate ways of making adjustments to the existing curriculum. There will be practical examples of how your history curriculum can be revitalised with the integration of the revisions, progressive skill use and also through a more holistic approach that will benefit all children. The challenge is to ‘go creative’ but without necessarily replacing everything that exists. So the workshop will provide practical solutions and ideas for handling the revisions; how these will impact upon planning and also provide practical ‘hands-on’ ways of enthusing young historians and their teachersAs the National Curriculum Geography Order explains, ‘high quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world’ and be equipped with an ‘understanding..
Howard is passionate about Geography and History. He taught for 19 years using innovative ideas for the teaching of both Geography and History. Following teaching in schools he became Advisory Teacher for Geography in Tameside and Bradford. Until recently he was Senior Lecturer in Humanities at University College Bradford: McMillan School of Teaching. Howard provides CPD/INSET across the country and annually for the Dutch Geographical Association. He is a consultant and author of the BBC Schools Television Primary Geography series and support materials.“I thought today’s course was excellent and the speaker Howard Lisle was very knowledgeable and passionate. Really enjoyed it thank you.”